Ainhoa reading her book

During this first term, in the English area, I’ve read among lots of books; Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

This book is written by Joanne Kathelin Rowling, most common named as J. K. Rowling. It hasn’t got any illustrations, only the front cover, which makes you think about a chess and war. Its publisher is Bloomsbury, it has 336 pages, a tiny letter, 17 chapters and no index.

J.K. Rowling was born in Bristol, England, in 1965. She studied French in the Exeter university, and worked a few years as a secretary and later as an English teacher in Portugal. When she came back to England she wrote her first novel, this book. Thanks to the exit, she left her job as a French teacher, and began to write the books which continue the saga.

This book is very famous and I will say it is an adventures novel. It goes about a boy who’s parents died when he was a baby because a mysterious person killed them. Harry Potter, the boy, grew with his uncle Vernon, aunt Petunia and his cousin Dudley, which all three of them hated his company and that’s why they made him sleep in an old cupboard.

Years went by and Harry Potter grew older and one day, the house where he lived began to receive letters which went to Harry, who thinks he’s a normal boy as his family. Uncle Vernon was very angry so he decided to move so the letters stopped being sent, but no, the family moved to many laces, and the letters followed them.

Days went by and soon it was going to be Harry’s birthday. On the day, a beetle-eyed giant entered in his «house» and gave him, Harry, an invitation to enter ‘Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry’. The reason was that Harry Potter is a real wizard!

I loved this book and I recommend it to those people who like the Harry Potter’s saga and the adventure books. I didn’t feel close to any character of this book, but in the second term I would like to read the next book.



Today, 19th of November of 2017.  I have gone to the village of Serra with my mother, Juan and my dog Cala.

There we did a walking track route for two hours until the castle in the summit. It was a 560m of altitude.

The castle was part of the defensive system of northern Valencia and has 600 square metre plans. The northwest tower, two stretches of crenelated wall that connect to the tower and a well still remain.

The thick walls are built with masonry, gravel and mortar. From this height, it offers views of the Valencian coast and the green area from east to south.

We did 6 kilometers aprox in this route, it was amazing!

Iban S.

Alumno de 5º E.P



Els dies 12, 13 i 14 d’octubre es celebren al meu poble les festes. El 12 d’octubre es celebra la festa del Pilar. Un grup de xics de 20 anys organitzen aquest dia fent paelles i cercaviles de disfresses.

El 13 d’octubre és Santa Bàrbara, fan un trasllat de la imatge de la Santa per tot el poble i la porten a la casa del fester major.

El 14 d’octubre es celebra Sant Honorat, el patró de Vinalesa. Aquest any el meu pare i un grup d’homes de 50 anys han fet la festa , eixe dia a les 11:30 van fer una missa a la que va vindre l’arquebisbe  de València.

A les 14 :00 repartiren les calderes: un menjar popular de Vinalesa, i més tard totes les festeres van fer una processó.

Conten que el 14 de setembre al 1652 va ocòrrer un miracle. Eixe dia va ploure molt i es va desbordar el barranc del Carraixet i els carrers de Vinalesa es varen inundar. A les hores Sant Honorat per la nit va cridar a les cases per a que anaren a l’església.

Gonzalo P.

Alumne de 5é EP




Today, 20TH Of Agost we were visiting the municipality of Comillas, is a fascinating and almost essential place to visit.

The village rest on a broken coastline, bathed by the Bay of Biscay, were cliffs, secluded caves and marvelously bean beaches.

Comillas is, one of the most interesting and best know villages in Cantabria. It contains a majestic collection of some of Spain`s most outstanding architecture, all surrounded by an extraordinary natural landscape.


Comillas present a fine display of the growth of Spanish architecture at end of the nineteenth century.

This work was accomplished thanks to the generosity of the Marquises of Comillas, and was carried out by a group of Catalan artist, Cáscante y Colon, Doménech y Montaner y Gaudí who designed the most important buildings.

In Comillas we found the Seventy-three Regional Drag Championship, Cattle show and craft market of cows and oxen.


This cows are Tundaca cows, Tundaca is a species of Cantabria.

Comillas offers the visitor an excellent tour through a range of modernistic architecture   of wich the most outstading pices is: The Capricho de Gaudi; “Trencadits”.


Trencadits is a type of mosaic used in catalan modernism, created from broken tile shards.

The catalan architects Antonio Gaudí and Josep María Jujol used trencadits in many proyects, among wich Barcelona´s Parc Güel (1900-1964) is probably the most famous.

Here, I am sitting with Gaudí.

It was a great experience!

Iban S.

Alumno de 5º EP.



Hui hem anat a Alcalá del Júcar, un poble molt bonic situat a la província d’ Albacete.

En arribar, el primer que hem fet a sigut reservar una activitat a una empresa anomenada “Multiaventura los Olivos”.L’activitat era rafting. Haviem de fer el descens del riu Cabriel amb una bassa i rems. Aquest riu es troba al parc natural Hoces del Cabriel i és el segón riu més net d’Europa. El nostre instructor es deia Sergio. M’ho vaig passar molt bé!






Al dia següent, vam fer descencens de barranc, una activitat molt divertida. Aquesta consistia en baixar quatre barrancs, per anar segur portavem arnés i corda. El primer dels barrancs mesurava dotze metres, el segon set, el tercer 8 i l’ultim quinze mentres.







En acabar, vam tornar al poble i vam conèixer un gos anomenat Flipi. També vam visitar la cova del Diablo, donava una mica de por!


L’últim dia vam anar al castell d’Alcalá del Júcar. Era molt bonic! Hi havien moltes coses com un jardí gegant, una escultura de Don Quixot de la manxa i diversos quadres.

Han sigut uns dies d’allò més divertits !



Eva M. alumna de 4t de primària


Last Saturday we went to take a surf lesson at Zarautz beach with some friends from Gençana School.

 The Zarautz beach is located in the north of Spain, concretely in Gipuzkoa. This beach is very long and wide, is one of the best beaches to practice surf. The water was very cold, at 15 degrees.

Luckily, this day at the beach that we where was being celebrated the world surf championship. So, I had the chance to see the best world surfers surfing in front of me.

After surfing, we went all together to have lunch. We had a great day with friends and family.

Lucas M. 4th of Primary student.


El pasado 1 de Abril realizamos desde la S.V.O una actividad de colocación de cajas nido para autillo en la Eliana.Una caja nido es una caja con un orificio y una trampilla, para que los pájaros (búhos) se refugien y puedan criar. Se realizan con maderas recicladas y se pintan con aceite de linaza para alargar su duración.

Se colocan en los lugares donde  los depredadores  no llegan.Estas cajas  son para autillo, la rapaz nocturna más  pequeña  que hay en España.

Abril es el mes adecuado para  ponerlas, porque  es cuando vuelven de África tras pasar allí el invierno. Llegan tan agotados que hay que echarles una mano. Es importante poner en la caja arena con piedrecita para que los huevos no rueden.  Explicamos  a los participantes cuál es el hábitat del autillo, sus costumbres y  alimentación.  Además les enseñamos mediante un reproductor MP3 algunos cantos  de rapaces nocturnas. Luego, a los niños nos pusieron  3 cantos  de  rapaces nocturnas para que los adivináramos, yo adivine 2 de ellos, el Cárabo y el Mochuelo.

Finalmente, pusimos un total de 6 cajas, y esperamos que sean ocupadas.

Martina G. alumna de 4º de E.P


Hoy he ido con mi familia a Los Picos de Europa. Hemos visitado los Lagos de Covadonga, el santuario de Covadonga y las minas de Buferrera. Los Picos de Europa fue el primer parque natural que se declaró en España, y el segundo después del deYellowstone de California (E.E.U.U.).

Fuimos a tres lagos muy bonitos desde donde se veía un gran paisaje con montañas nevadas durante todo el año. En Asturias el cielo suele estar cubierto y llueve mucho, nosotros hemos tenido mucha suerte y hemos disfrutado un día muy soleado.


Junto a los lagos encontramos las minas  de Buferrera, donde había carretillas que antiguamente servían para adentrarse al interior de la montaña. Allí pudimos encontrar hierro, respiraderos y varios túneles. Esta mina no se usa desde 1979.


La última visita fue al Santuario de Covadonga. Visitamos la iglesia y la cueva donde   se cuenta que apareció la virgen.

Juan C. alumno de 4ºE.P


The title of this book is the three little wolves and the big bad pig. The author is Eugene Trivizas and Helen Oxembury and the illustrator is the same. The publisher is Egmont, the city in London and it has 36 pages.

The main characters are the three little wolves and the big bad pig that destroyed the houses of the three little wolves. The first house was made of bricks, but the big bad pig destroyed it witch sledgehammer. The second one was made of concrete but the big bad pig destroyed it with a pneumatic drill. The third one was built, with metal padlocks, but the big bad pig destroyed it with dynamite. The wolves decided to try something different. They built a house with flowers. The big bad pig, when it saw the house it liked it a lot. The wolves said yes and they lived very happy together.

I like this book because it is very funny, and I dislike this book because it didn’t have sense. My book is a fantasy book. I think this book is crazy. Another title for this book I think “the constructors wolves workers”. I recommended this book to the people who like nonsense books.

Nuria A. Alumna de 4º E.P


Aquest any, per Pasqua vam anar a la nostra casa d’Aín. Al poble hi havien molts visitants que aprofitaven el bon temps per anar a caminar per les muntanyes.

El dissabte 15 d’abril, a les cinc de la vesprada, vam començar l’eixida al Castell d’Ain per menjar-nos la mona quan arribarem a la meta, és a dir al Castell. És una excursió que m’agrada molt ja que no és massa llarga i puges fins que veus el poble xicotet. Com aquest hivern va ploure prou, el camp estava frondós, i com ja era primavera, les flors i l’herba verda donaven gust.

Caminàvem mirant el paisatge però també el camí per no ensopegar amb alguna pedra o arrel d’un arbre. Ens vam ficar roba  còmoda i portem les mones a les motxilles. Jo escalfaré l’ou dur al front del meu pare, perquè encara recordava que l’any passat ell va ser qui m’ho va fer a mi.  Així que aquesta vesprada havia de ser la meua venjança.

Tardarem 30 minuts en arribar al castell. Aquests moments es troba reconstruït, encara que queda poc del que realment va ser aquest castell.


El poble d’Ain és d’origen Islàmic i va ser conquerit a l’any 1239 per Jaume I. Durant les revoltes morisques del segle XVI, el castell va ser un centre d’operacions de guerra.

Quan arribarem, teníem ja molta gana i ens menjarem les mones amb molt de gust. Les vistes eren molt boniques. Estigueren una bona estona i tornàvem cap al poble, de baixada, que ja cansava menys. Fins a l’estiu castell d’Ain!

Martina G. Alumna de 4t d’educació primària.