Yesterday, in the afternoon, I went to the Flumen theatre with my family to enjoy The Jungle Book musical. The jungle book tells the story of Mowgli, a boy who was raised by the wolves. Mowgli must go on his way to the human village as he can´t live any longer in the jungle.

On his journey to the village he will be guided by the lazy bear Baloo and the astute panther Bagheera. In the jungle he will have to solve the riddle of the absent-minded elephant, to avoid the spell of Kah the snake and to elude the magic of Louie, the king of the monkeys.

All of these things should have happened before he got caught by the tiger Sherkan. Mowgli doesn´t want to leave the jungle and his friends, the animals, the ones who he has lived all his live. But he changes his mind when he meets a girl from the village.

In my opinion, the show was very amusing because the actors made the audience participate. When the monkeys came down from the stage to dance I was lucky because Louie (the king of the monkeys) gave me a banana.

They sang and danced so well. I loved it a lot.

Álvaro J. Alumno de 4ºE.P


41_medLa consagración de la primavera es una «leyenda Rusa» que dice que una adolescente tenía que sacrificarse para que empezara la primavera. Por este modo tenía que bailar hasta que no pudiera más. A partir de ese momento ya podía empezar la primavera.

La «Consagración» se estrenó en 1913 en el teatro de los Campos elíseos de París.

Lo hicieron los ballets rusos de Sergei Diághilev. Con música de Igor Stravinsky, coreografía de Vaslav Nijinsky y escenografía y vestuario de Nicolas Roerich.

Al público no le gustó mucho la idea de Stravinsky y Nijinsky porque el público estaba muy acostumbrado al ballet y eso era todo lo contrario.

La consagración de la primavera es un baile con mucha fuerza e intensidad, que alteró a toda la historia de la danza.